Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It is hard to believe that Cayden is now 5 months old. I can hardly believe all that has happened in that time. He is finally starting to gain a little more weight, and we hope that he will soon start to roll-over, sit-up etc. He can definitely melt your heart with his big smile and cute giggle. We are now just waiting for Cayden to start sleeping through the night so that we can get some rest as well.
Braxton loves his brother, and takes care of Cayden so well. We are continually amazed with all that he is learning. He is now able to count to ten, sing most of the ABC's, and of course I am a child of God, Teach me to Walk in the light, and a couple of others. He continually is putting together more and more words to make sentences. Although he is learning so many great things, he is also learning to be a normal 2 year old. Any suggestions for dealing with the tantroms?
Theres not much new that is happenig with Curt and I. Curt is still getting his MBA, and I am still at home with Braxton, Cayden, and Lizzie. We are finishing the bathroom in our basement, which Curt is looking forward to... it has been a while since he has had a project. We are waiting for Spring to kick in so that we can start getting out of the house with Cayden.
We hope all is good with everyone!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hello again! Well, Braxton is now officially 2 years old, and amazingly enough Cayden is 4 months. We made it through the holidays pretty well, but since then our house seems to have had a hard time staying healthy. We have found that Cayden's way of dealing with illness is that he stops eating. He got sick again this last week, and unfortunately lost half a pound, but he is now eating again, and hopefully he will find a way to start gaining the weight he needs.

We had the chance this last month to bless Cayden in our home. It was a great experience to have family here to support us. We feel so blessed, and know that Cayden has been blessed, and know that he has been a blessing to our family.

After the blessing I went up to Seattle with the boys for a week. It was great to see everyone, and Braxton loved being with his cousins. It was a great break for me, and Braxton loved always having the attention of "mama" and "bampa Owl".

We hope everyone is doing well, and as always I will try harder to keep this updated better.