Monday, November 23, 2009

So Cayden is now one.... I can hardly believe all that has happened in the last year. I put together a photo album for his birthday, and it amazes me how he went from such a sick little baby to a very strong willed little guy. We feel so blessed in our lives, and know that it is through our faith in the Lord that we have so many wonderful blessings.
It seems like the last few months have been a total blur. It seems like Curt is either working, at school, or doing homework 24/7. He is working so hard, but he is finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have used the time that he is working to start training to do a mini triathlon next spring. Not to mention that it is nice to have some time without the kids on the days that they don't see Curt.
We had a lot of fun for Halloween. I decided to put together the costumes by myself... we will see if I ever do it again. We dressed up as the Incredibles. Braxton loved being Dash, and loved showing just how fast he could run. This was the first year he really went out trick-or-treating, and loved it!
We are looking forward to a less stressful holiday season this year, and are getting excited to be with family and friends. We will be in Seattle for Christmas this year, and are excited for the boys to spend some more time there. We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Why is it that the summer always goes way too fast, and the winter way too slow? There have been so many fun things to do this summer that we have hardly had time to do the things that we really need to do, like the bathroom in our basement. Who would have thought it would be this much harder to go places with two kids, rather than with just one? We did just get back from Texas though, and had a blast!
Thanks to Kimi, or should I say Kimi's boss, we had an amazing set up! We stayed at a lake house that had more than enough beds for Curt's entire family. With 3 kitchens, 6-7 bathrooms, and a huge game room there was plenty of space for everyone. We were able to go to Sea World, and Six Flags as well. It was a blast, and Braxton is still talking about the "special house". Even Cayden did pretty well considering we were in 100 degree plus weather the whole time. One thing we learned though is that from now on we will not even consider anything but a non-stop flight.
We are now looking forward to going up to Seattle in a week and a half to visit my family. We will see most of my extended family, which is a rare event. None of them have met Cayden so I look forward to showing him off.
Cayden is doing pretty well, although we just had to increase his medication for acid reflux. After doing that he started sleeping more, so thankfully I am finally able to start catching up from the last nine months.
Braxton has started potty training, and is testing my patience. We have tried just about everything to get his to go #2, but are running out of ideas.... so any suggestions would be great!
Curt is working hard both at work and at school. Thankfully he is going at a slower pace, but I think he could use some more time to do homework without kids.
I am basically doing the same old thing. Greg and Sara will be moving soon though which means I only have about another month of watching Lizzie. So now comes the part of looking for someone new. I know that Braxton will miss her, and so a replacement would be good for him. But just as everything else has, I am sure that this will work out also.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hi there everyone! Things have been so crazy lately I can hardly believe it. The time is going by so fast, I can hardly believe that Cayden is already 7 months old. He is getting bigger, although he still looks pretty small compared to the other babies his age in our ward. We are still waiting for him to decide he wants to move around.... we are convinced that he is just lazy. Although he has rolled over he will not do it on a regular basis, and when I put him on his stomach half the time he rolls right back to his stomach. He won't even sit up! But for the most part he is a happy baby. He still has acid reflux pretty bad, so needless to say we do a lot of laundry.

Braxton loves being a big brother.... last week when he came home from being with Grandma and Grandpa he went right past me to Cayden. Thankfully he has adjusted well, and he is excited to be able to teach Cayden everything he knows. Braxton is thrilled now that the weather is nice he can be outside most the time. I can't say that it bothers me much either. I swear that he has a growth spurt almost every other week. although he is only 2 a lot of his 3T shirts are now bellie shirts on him.... how are we supposed to afford this?!?!?! Its a good thing we love him so much.

Curt will take his big test at work on Tuesday. He has spent a lot of time, energy, and stress on it, so wish him luck! He isn't sure whether its fair that while he is off from school that he has to be studying so hard, but at the same time at least he doesn't have to worry about school at the same time.

I have been trying to stay sane at home with two 2 year olds.... how do people with twins do it?!?!?! One thing is for sure, I would love to have a maid (so would Curt)! I am having fun though, and wouldn't trade staying home with the kids for anything. We are so blessed that I am able to be home with them. Curt and I have been playing soccer a little bit, and have been enjoying that. Its nice to get a little exercise someplace other than the gym, and its nice to have some adult interaction once a week.

We are getting ready to go to Texas with Curt's family, and we are all ready for a vacation. Braxton especially can't wait to see everyone. All he can talk about is going to "exas" to see Kimi, Uncle Grant, Aunt "lissa", "vanna", and Mckayla.

We hope everyone is doing well.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It is hard to believe that Cayden is now 5 months old. I can hardly believe all that has happened in that time. He is finally starting to gain a little more weight, and we hope that he will soon start to roll-over, sit-up etc. He can definitely melt your heart with his big smile and cute giggle. We are now just waiting for Cayden to start sleeping through the night so that we can get some rest as well.
Braxton loves his brother, and takes care of Cayden so well. We are continually amazed with all that he is learning. He is now able to count to ten, sing most of the ABC's, and of course I am a child of God, Teach me to Walk in the light, and a couple of others. He continually is putting together more and more words to make sentences. Although he is learning so many great things, he is also learning to be a normal 2 year old. Any suggestions for dealing with the tantroms?
Theres not much new that is happenig with Curt and I. Curt is still getting his MBA, and I am still at home with Braxton, Cayden, and Lizzie. We are finishing the bathroom in our basement, which Curt is looking forward to... it has been a while since he has had a project. We are waiting for Spring to kick in so that we can start getting out of the house with Cayden.
We hope all is good with everyone!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hello again! Well, Braxton is now officially 2 years old, and amazingly enough Cayden is 4 months. We made it through the holidays pretty well, but since then our house seems to have had a hard time staying healthy. We have found that Cayden's way of dealing with illness is that he stops eating. He got sick again this last week, and unfortunately lost half a pound, but he is now eating again, and hopefully he will find a way to start gaining the weight he needs.

We had the chance this last month to bless Cayden in our home. It was a great experience to have family here to support us. We feel so blessed, and know that Cayden has been blessed, and know that he has been a blessing to our family.

After the blessing I went up to Seattle with the boys for a week. It was great to see everyone, and Braxton loved being with his cousins. It was a great break for me, and Braxton loved always having the attention of "mama" and "bampa Owl".

We hope everyone is doing well, and as always I will try harder to keep this updated better.