Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cayden James Daich was born on October 30th at 1:14 pm. He was so anxious to meet his new family that he came a little more than 4 weeks early. He is 5 pounds 5 ounces, and is extremely small. We were able to spend the first hour and a half with him before they took him to NICU. We figure he just wanted to go vist his friend Easton (Scott and Teisha's baby). He was having a little trouble breathing so they took him to give him some oxygen and run some tests. So far it appears that the tests came back showing no problems, but we are waiting to hear from the doctor. We will keep everyone updated as we find out more. Thanks for all the support!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ok, so Kimi just pointed out to us just how bad we are at keeping this updated. So sorry to those who rely on this as a connection to our life. We had such a fun summer, and with the weather being so nice lately it is hard to believe that fall is here.
About a week ago we woke up to 4-5 inches of snow. Nothing beats Utah weather.... its 60 degrees one day, and snowing the next! We bundled Braxton up and took him outside to play. He loved it! He especially loved throwing snow balls and demolishig the snow man. It was so fun to be able to see him growing up, and enjoy the simple pleasures of life!
Braxton is getting so big and active. He loves to be able to jump, run, and do anything that helps to get his energy out. He is a handful, and there is never a dull moment. Now that I am about 8 months pregnant it makes it a little harder to keep up with him, but I try my best.
Curt has started his MBA, and although he wasn't very excited about it, he is enjoying the pace of the MBA program more than he did his bachelor's. I updated the pictures, and hope that you enjoy them. I promise that I will try harder to update the blog, especially when the baby comes.