Saturday, December 20, 2008

Its hard to believe that Christmas is almost here. We are looking forward to the first Christmas with Cayden! Its amazing how fun it is to go shopping for two kids.

After another scare with Cayden we hope, and think that we are out of the woods. A week after he came home from NICU Cayden stopped eating. We had to force feed him every two hours with a bottle. He started losing weight for no appearant reason. After several blood tests, x-ray, EKG, ultrasound, and 24-hour heart monitor Cayden decided to start eating again. He began to gain weight quickly, and the difference ever since has been amazing!

Braxton has been doing surprisingly well with all the changes in the last month. He is so attentive and loving, he will never go to bed without kissing his brother goodnight. His vocabulary seems to be growig everyday, and he continues to crack Curt and I up with the things that he comes up with. Who knew that an almost two year old could make fun of their parents!
Curt received his first 4.0 this last semester! He is finding that it takes a little longer to get his studying done with two kids, but he somehow is doing a great job of balancing work, school, and family. I have starting watching Lizzie again, and am trying to get used to having 3 kids while being cooped up at home. Trust me, I even have started missing grocery shopping.

We hope you all have a good Christmas, and a happy new year!