Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cayden came home on November 8th! The doctor has been thrilled with the progress he has made; gaining an ounce a day he is acting like a normal 7 or 8 poundbaby rather than a 5 pound preemie.Of course since he has a smaller stomach he is waking up every 3-4 hours to eat, quite a difference from Braxton. He has inherited Curt's curly hair, and will be known in our house as curly Cayden.
Braxton is not sure what to think of him yet, but he is starting to understand that Cayden isn't going anywhere. As soon as he wants us to go and play he walks the crib and starts jabbering, there is no mistaking that he wants us to put Cayden down. My mom was here for two weeks wich helped ensure that he had more than enough attention during the transition. He is etting so big, and we can hardly believe all that he is learning.
Thank you to everyone who kept Cayden in their prayers. We feel so blessed in so many different ways. We are grateful to be able o live in a country and at a time with such great healthcare. We are grateful to know that we have a Heavenly Father who is watching over us. The ten days that Cayden was in the NICU we felt such love from Heavenly Father. We know that without him there is nothing, and we know that it is because of his mercy that Cayden is able to be with us today. Thank you again for all the thoughts and prayers, you will never know how much it meant to us.