Saturday, December 20, 2008

Its hard to believe that Christmas is almost here. We are looking forward to the first Christmas with Cayden! Its amazing how fun it is to go shopping for two kids.

After another scare with Cayden we hope, and think that we are out of the woods. A week after he came home from NICU Cayden stopped eating. We had to force feed him every two hours with a bottle. He started losing weight for no appearant reason. After several blood tests, x-ray, EKG, ultrasound, and 24-hour heart monitor Cayden decided to start eating again. He began to gain weight quickly, and the difference ever since has been amazing!

Braxton has been doing surprisingly well with all the changes in the last month. He is so attentive and loving, he will never go to bed without kissing his brother goodnight. His vocabulary seems to be growig everyday, and he continues to crack Curt and I up with the things that he comes up with. Who knew that an almost two year old could make fun of their parents!
Curt received his first 4.0 this last semester! He is finding that it takes a little longer to get his studying done with two kids, but he somehow is doing a great job of balancing work, school, and family. I have starting watching Lizzie again, and am trying to get used to having 3 kids while being cooped up at home. Trust me, I even have started missing grocery shopping.

We hope you all have a good Christmas, and a happy new year!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cayden came home on November 8th! The doctor has been thrilled with the progress he has made; gaining an ounce a day he is acting like a normal 7 or 8 poundbaby rather than a 5 pound preemie.Of course since he has a smaller stomach he is waking up every 3-4 hours to eat, quite a difference from Braxton. He has inherited Curt's curly hair, and will be known in our house as curly Cayden.
Braxton is not sure what to think of him yet, but he is starting to understand that Cayden isn't going anywhere. As soon as he wants us to go and play he walks the crib and starts jabbering, there is no mistaking that he wants us to put Cayden down. My mom was here for two weeks wich helped ensure that he had more than enough attention during the transition. He is etting so big, and we can hardly believe all that he is learning.
Thank you to everyone who kept Cayden in their prayers. We feel so blessed in so many different ways. We are grateful to be able o live in a country and at a time with such great healthcare. We are grateful to know that we have a Heavenly Father who is watching over us. The ten days that Cayden was in the NICU we felt such love from Heavenly Father. We know that without him there is nothing, and we know that it is because of his mercy that Cayden is able to be with us today. Thank you again for all the thoughts and prayers, you will never know how much it meant to us.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cayden James Daich was born on October 30th at 1:14 pm. He was so anxious to meet his new family that he came a little more than 4 weeks early. He is 5 pounds 5 ounces, and is extremely small. We were able to spend the first hour and a half with him before they took him to NICU. We figure he just wanted to go vist his friend Easton (Scott and Teisha's baby). He was having a little trouble breathing so they took him to give him some oxygen and run some tests. So far it appears that the tests came back showing no problems, but we are waiting to hear from the doctor. We will keep everyone updated as we find out more. Thanks for all the support!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ok, so Kimi just pointed out to us just how bad we are at keeping this updated. So sorry to those who rely on this as a connection to our life. We had such a fun summer, and with the weather being so nice lately it is hard to believe that fall is here.
About a week ago we woke up to 4-5 inches of snow. Nothing beats Utah weather.... its 60 degrees one day, and snowing the next! We bundled Braxton up and took him outside to play. He loved it! He especially loved throwing snow balls and demolishig the snow man. It was so fun to be able to see him growing up, and enjoy the simple pleasures of life!
Braxton is getting so big and active. He loves to be able to jump, run, and do anything that helps to get his energy out. He is a handful, and there is never a dull moment. Now that I am about 8 months pregnant it makes it a little harder to keep up with him, but I try my best.
Curt has started his MBA, and although he wasn't very excited about it, he is enjoying the pace of the MBA program more than he did his bachelor's. I updated the pictures, and hope that you enjoy them. I promise that I will try harder to update the blog, especially when the baby comes.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Man, time flies!!! There seems to be so much that has happened since we last wrote that I hardly know where to start. First we have new photos, so make sure that you check them out!
For those who have not already heard, we are expecting our second baby boy. I am about 19 weeks along, and can hardly believe that I will soon be the mother of two. The due date is December 2nd, however they will most likely start me about 10 days early because of how fast my last labor was (I don't want to deliver from home). So he has a very good chance of being born on mine and my niece's birthday (Nov. 19), or my other niece's birthday (Nov. 22). We are very excited, and now just enjoying the time we have with just Braxton.
We went on our big vacation, and got back a week ago. It was so much fun!!! We only went to Sea World since I couldn't go on any of the rides anyways. We spent two days there and loved every minute. Braxton was great, and he loved watching all the animals. We were a little worried about the shows, but with the music and the animals jumping he loved it. From there we went on our cruise. We had a blast, and although it was extremely different cruising with a toddler, we were never bored. Braxton loved the beaches, and couldn't get enough of the sand and water. He almost always threw a fit when we left, unless of course he had fallen asleep. He did great considering the major change in his schedule.
We also found out this last week that Curt was accepted into the MBA program at Weber, which according to him is "horrible news". We are hoping that it will only be one or one and a half years since he did so many classes for his minor in business. He will start this fall, so we will have to get back in the school groove of not seeing each other very much. I know that he will really miss the time he would have to spend with Braxton and the new baby, and I know that they will miss him too, especially Braxton who loves the daddy play-time. However, I think, and I am trying to convince Curt that it will all be for the best in the end.
So, needless to say the summer has been busy, fun, and full of new experiences. Hope all is well with everyone, and would love to hear from you.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hi everyone!!!! Well, the new year has started, Braxton had his first birthday, and things are crazier than ever! Its hard to believe that Braxton is almost 14 months old. He is walking all over, and getting into anything and everything he can.
We are planning his first big vacation for this summer! We are going to go to Florida and visit Sea World and Disney World before we leave for a 7 day cruise to the Caribbean. We are looking forward to it, and hoping that he will enjoy it.
We started a membership to a gym, and have really enjoyed starting to get back in shape (it was long overdue). We also have had a lot of fun taking Braxton swimming in the fun pool that they have there, he loves it!!!
I would also like to thank everyone who has helped with Braxton last week, for those who have kept my mom in their prayers, and for all the well wishes. My mom is doing better, and although the recovery is likely to be 2-3 months we feel very blessed that it wasn't worst than it was. I feel extremely lucky to have so many supportive family members and friends close by who were willing to help on such short notice. It was great to be up in Seattle with my mom and to know that my family was being taken care of.... thank you!
We finally deleted a bunch of the pictures on the website, so if you click on where it says "pictures, pictures, and more pictures" on the left you will be transfered to where we have new pictures uploaded. We hope everyone is doing well!